My Story


My name is Wendy Dodds and I am the founder of soulwypes, a napkin, dining décor, and gift accessories company located in New Rochelle, NY. Our goal is bring joy and soulfulness to sleepy dining tables, worldwide. Our napkins are boldly colored, culturally centered prints, with a nod to fashion trends. Our fabrics and trims are sourced globally, from Tanzania to Bangladesh. I’m pleased to introduce the company & it’s products, and a brief bio on how we got here.

Experience:                                                                                        Birth-2000

  • Early childhood chores included but not limited to: Saturday morning dusting during “Soultrain, the hippest trip in America”, and nightly table setting for dinner with family. Responsible for the mixing of fine china with everyday silver/glasses. Gained “hi-low” expertise.
  • Followed passion for all things fashion, worked in accessory market in NY’s garment district. Sourced trends & goods to develop neckwear, women’s hats, scarves etc. Developed knowledge of construction, fabric/trim sources, and production skills.
  • Got engaged, sourced trend driven, location appropriate bridal product successfully except for funky, fashion forward linens. Event successfully executed on 11/26/2000, Black Friday

Indigo Moon Linens                                                                          11/27/2000-2009

  • Started custom linen rental and sales company with childhood friend & business partner, suitcase of fabric, feathers, fur, and not much else.
  • Samples/dreams proved both necessary and successful. Developed relationships with celebrity florists, event planners, caterers to scale business way up. Work featured in national bridal publications, books, television, etc
  • Created linens for VVVIP events that required NDA’s and surrender of phones for fear of picture taking. Acquired exceptional discretionary skill set.

Miscellaneous - Hi-Low period                                                        2010-2020

  • Officially closed IM Linens down. Apparently, recessionary times and fur trimmed tablecloths are incompatible. #sad
  • Child rearing, recruiting, quarantining zoom skills enhanced                                                                               2020-Present

  • Planned future parties, celebration dinners post vaccination. Shopped sites for elevated decor, including linens. Unable to locate joyous napkins, only ecru hemstitch napkins with sage grosgrain ribbon accents. L
  • Shopped fabric market in search of color, texture & prints with a point of view.
  • Re-acquired mojo, joy, social media and web building skills to create eshop,, creators of joyous, reusable, soulful linens for every table & every occasion!! Initial collection well received. Full circle completion in progress 


                                              FB/IG @soulwypes