
  • Could be cuter.......

    It's joyless, styleless, & soulless. This is nothing short of napkin homicide, bludgeoned with a hydrangea sprig. Catering facility chic ...
  • Welcome Fall

    Hope you're all enjoying the final days ofsummer 2021. Enjoying your last burnt hotdog, rockingthe white jeans one more time, and applying the last...
  • You know what time it is-

    There is no bigger holiday for soulwypes. It's like April 15th for accountants, super bowl day for your favorite team. Thanksgiving is the olympics...
  • Memorial Day, 4th of July celebrators, and BBQ Enthusiasts-

    After an awful 2020, full of quarantine and dread, it's time to get outside and celebrate! Pull out the grill and outdoor furniture to celebrate th...
  • Mother's day is almost here!

    Mother's day is coming.....